Anagram + #349

Starting from a word to which a letter is added, discover the anagram of a new word. Words with the same root are not allowed.You have 2 clues per word (correctly placed letters).
Word 1: / Word 2: / Word 3:
Word 1

Move the letters to find the anagram of this word.

Word 2

Move the letters to find the anagram of this word.

Word 3

Move the letters to find the anagram of this word.


Well done, you’ve found the anagram! Here’s its definition on Wikipedia:

Definition of intime

» (obsolete) inward; internal; intimate…

Definition of poorly

» In a poor manner or condition; without plenty, or sufficiency, or suitable provision for comfort….

Definition of wingers

» plural of winger

Definition of swinger

» One who swings….

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Definitions from Wiktionary, free and open English dictionary.