Anagram + #230

Starting from a word to which a letter is added, discover the anagram of a new word. Words with the same root are not allowed.You have 2 clues per word (correctly placed letters).
Word 1: / Word 2: / Word 3:
Word 1

Move the letters to find the anagram of this word.

Word 2

Move the letters to find the anagram of this word.

Word 3

Move the letters to find the anagram of this word.


Well done, you’ve found the anagram! Here’s its definition on Wikipedia:

Definition of emptor

» (law) Buyer….

Definition of poultice

» A soft, moist mass, usually wrapped in cloth and warmed, that is applied topically to a sore, aching or lesioned part of the body to soothe it….

Definition of esprit

» Spirit, enthusiasm.A wit.Liveliness, or active mind and spirit.

Definition of ripest

» superlative form of ripe: most ripe

Definition of stripe

» A long region of a single colour in a repeating pattern of similar regions….

Definition of sitrep

» (military) A situation report: a periodic report on the current military situation….

Definition of priest

» A religious clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson) who is trained to perform services or sacrifices at a church or temple….

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Definitions from Wiktionary, free and open English dictionary.